Friday, December 28, 2018

2018 is about to end

Well this blog has fallen by the wayside, but here's one post for 2018. I ramped up quilting the last couple of months, but the project/photo/blog link has languished this year. I've been so busy. But I have been making quilts. I see that my last post was early last year, so almost two years ago. I talked about ending my leadership of the charity quilt project at church. That has turned out so well. The woman leading the project now is great, the project is going along just fine and best of all I'm still participating and totally enjoying it now. Life is even more well organized, aside from blogging.

So in 2018, I made this for my friend Peter Golden:

It's called Navaho block.

Then after the election, which occupied me for most of 2018 (I ran a ballot drive for Dan Fishman, Libertarian for State Auditor, and worked on the campaign), I made the following quilt in a frenzy (and wrecked my back):

It's a Boston Common design using Kaffe Fassett prints. My back got better.

After that there was a quiltathon, the event that the charity project puts on three times a year. I was so inspired, I made two quilt tops and rehabbed two more, joined them and quilted them on the longarm. Two have binding finished and one has binding attached. Then I cut up a two-year-old little mountain of scrap fabric and made five more tops, also quilted on the longarm. Hopefully I can post some pictures of the whole bunch. But here's a detail of one of the tops. I've quilted the inside and cropped out the non-quilted border. I had exactly 36 squares of pseudo-solid fabric squares left over from another projects, and these are them:

So bye 2018.