Sunday, September 18, 2011

Grange Fair

This is an origami box that I folded both to enter in the fair and to donate to the auction. It didn't win a ribbon, but I wanted to take a picture of it because it was sold - I learned at church today that it was bought by a very enthusiastic little girl who also entered lots of craft items.
This is the necklace that Cathy made me for my birthday. She was so excited that it won a blue ribbon.
My origami quilt won a blue ribbon. I donated this to the auction too. All of my origami is from the designs of Tomoko Fuse. She has written many books on origami boxes, one on origami quilts, one on unit origami, and one on kusudama. Probably many more too. She also has founded a company that makes origami picnic bowls, cups, and plates.
This is the origami quilt that I had made for the fair, but I could not muster up the energy to put it in a frame. The one I did enter was already framed. In this picture it is sitting on the glass. At some point I will frame it. So, it is still mine to have. I'm glad because I liked it a lot.
Finally here is a tie-dyed handkerchief that I entered at the last minute. It also won a blue ribbon in the "crafts" category. In this picture it is hanging up at Sandy Island family camp, where I made it.
Three items that I've previously posted on this blog also won blue ribbons. I'm almost embarrassed to tell because the only quilts entered in the fair were my two quilts! But they were some of the best quilts I've made. I'm sure their presence at the fair delighted many people. But I wish there had been more competition. I would never have finished my hidden wells quilt (not quilted in the picture) this soon if not for the deadline that I set for myself, to have it done for the fair. The other quilt I entered was my big fall colors quilt, and the third item was the knitted roman squares blanket that I made for our church's charity blanket project.

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