Saturday, December 19, 2015

2016, Year of the UFO

I'm very excited about the new year. In 2011 I finished 12 UFOs, one per month. They can be seen on the 2011 page of this blog. Now, five years later, it's time to do it again. This time I'll be working by myself, but I'll have my crochet friends on Instagram to show the finished products.

I chose 12 UFOs (out of many more, sad to say) and listed them in a spreadsheet. In another column, I added 12 random numbers using the rand() function. This function refreshes with new random numbers every time something changes. So I sort by the random number column, and the first quilt in the list is the one that I will finish in the next month. The sort changes the random numbers, so every time I sort, I will get a new order.

The first quilt that came up was my irregular pinwheel quilt. Amazingly, it was in a bin together with the right size backing and the right batting! A while ago I matched lots of batting and backing to many of my quilt tops. So it will be a breeze to finish.

At the same time I intend to keep working on my giant trip around the world and to have my Boston Commons quilt professionally quilted.

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